Michael Parekowhai
Rainbow Servant Dreaming
Michael Parekowhai (2005) Fiberglass & 2 pot automotive paint
Small grey men float against the walls of Ryder. Dressed traditionally, in double-breasted coats and bowler hats, carrying briefcases and umbrellas, these dutiful civil servants were inspired by Golconde (1953), a painting from one of the masters of Surrealism, René Magritte. Created by Michael Parekowhai, the little men are painted Kodak grey, a neutral colour used to calibrate light readings in photography. They are expressions of habit and routine, casting shadows on the walls. Guardians of the space, the small grey men are discreet. They may hear, but they will never tell.
Material: Fiberglass & 2 pot automotive paint
Dimensions: 420mm x 170mm x 105mm